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7758 Palm River Road, Tampa, FL 33619
Adolphus Akaniru, R.Ph., Pharmacist
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Why Do We Need Supplements?
Natural and herbal supplements can help to restore the body to a place of balance. But, it’s probably going to take more than one thing, or even two. In fact, it might take between 5-10 supplements to restore your health. If there is a “serious” health issue on the table, it will take much more time and effort than that.
Here are the top reasons why it is important for everyone to take natural, whole food supplements:
1. Depleted Soils. Even if you eat a healthy, predominantly plant-based diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, chances are good (unless you’re consuming everything organic) the food comes from soils that have insufficient mineral content. When foods are grown over and over again in the same soils, the mineral content of that soil becomes depleted over time. This is ANOTHER reason why it is so vitally important to consume organic foods as much as possible. Organic farming practices include “crop rotating” so that soil depletion does not occur. Unfortunately, even buying organic doesn’t always mean you’re going to get superior foods. Although organic soil can get depleted, buying organic remains the better, healthier choice for you and the planet!
2. Long Transit Time for Delivery. Have you noticed an increasing amount of produce finding its way to your grocery store comes from other countries? If you think your favorite mango or pineapple (from Hawaii or the Philippines) was just cut at its peak ripeness, then immediately boxed, rushed to the airport and shipped overnight to your favorite grocery store, you’re sadly mistaken. Sometimes, foods are picked weeks and even MONTHS before we see it on our shelves. So much for obtaining the maximum amount of nutrition! I always suggest that my clients buy as much of their food as possible from local growers to reduce transit time and improve the nutritional value of the food they’re eating.
3. Overcooking Our Foods. Americans have a bad habit of cooking our food “to death,” resulting in a massive loss of nutritional value, meaning far fewer vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes to go around. What’s more, eating these depleted foods over time creates its own set of health problems. Cooking does “kill” the food, resulting in lost nutrition. As far as fruits and vegetables, consuming them in as close to a raw (uncooked) state as possible is always the best way.
4. Not Eating Regular Meals. So many people skip meals. Grabbing a bagel or doughnut while slamming down some coffee and rushing to work does NOT constitute a meal. Making up for it later in the day at an “all-you-can-eat” buffet is not in the best interest of our bodies either, as it puts much undue stress on the digestive system and will eventually cause a lot of uncomfortable symptoms.
5. Normal Aging = Digestion Issues. As we age, our bodies produce fewer enzymes, including all the important ones needed to properly digest and assimilate the foods we eat. Eventually, this results in “common” stomach complaints, like reflux, heartburn, upset stomach and chronic constipation.
6. Stress + Stress, + Stress = Compromised Immune System. No question, we all lead busy lives and some of us are busier than others! Between commitments to your family, school, work, community, faith and other obligations, our lives are stressed to the max! All of this stress takes a toll on your body and weakens your immune system. Taking supplements can help to bridge that gap and give your body some of the nutrition it needs to function optimally.
There’s nothing more important than taking care of yourself on a daily basis. With the Isotonix Daily Essentials Packets, you can be sure that you’re giving your body the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs thanks to four essential supplements – nutraMetrix Isotonix OPC-3, nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin, nutraMetrix Isotonix Activated B-Complex and nutraMetrix Isotonix Calcium Complete – in one convenient serving to promote long-term health and optimal nutrition. Click here to buy or for more info
The process of digestion is very complex. Digestion is the metabolic process that converts foodstuffs within the body for use. The process begins in the mouth, where it is chewed and mixed with saliva to prepare it for swallowing. After swallowing, the food is pushed through the esophagus, which transports it to the stomach, where it is further diluted and mixed with enzymes, breaking down the food to be absorbed in the intestines. Most of the absorption process begins to take place in the small intestine.
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Primary Benefits of Ultimate Aloe Juice
Supports a healthy digestive tract
Promotes normal healing
Supports a strong immune system
Promotes digestive comfort
Isotonix products have been carefully formulated to clear your stomach at an optimal rate to maximize absorption. A pill does not fully deliver into your bloodstream the vitamins it holds within. Either the pill is dumped whole into your intestinal tract or the active ingredients pass through without being fully absorbed. Vitamins taken in Isotonix form do not have these shortcomings.
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NutraMetrix Isotonix OPC-3® is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine and pine bark extracts, and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be powerful antioxidants.
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Primary Benefits of nutraMetrix Isotonix OPC-3®*:
Combats free radicals
Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Helps maintain healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins
Helps maintain joint flexibility
Helps promote cardiovascular health
Helps reduce mild menstrual cramping and abdominal pain
Helps support visual health/visual acuity
Potent free radical scavenger
Promotes healthy blood vessel dilation
Promotes healthy nitric oxide levels
Supports a healthy complexion
Supports healthy blood glucose levels
Supports healthy platelet activity
Supports healthy sperm quality
Promotes sinus comfort
Supports immune health